Sunday, April 06, 2008

Being the witness of first Constituent Assembly election of Nepal

In the history of Nepal, for the first time the election of Constituent Assembly is going to take place on 10th April 2008 which will write a new constitution without a monarchism. It is the honor and luck of all Nepali citizen to behold and experience this one and only in a lifetime happening. After postponing for two times this election is going to held with lot of excitement and optimism. It is already declared to write as a Republic Nepal but the implementation has not done. So how will be the practical end of 240 years of monarchy is going to happen? Answer lies after the role of the government to be formed after the election.

Official 74 various political parties are taking part in the CA election including some King supported ones. I personally think that those King sided parties are going to lose with huge difference. I mock those parties a really big and huge THUMBS DOWN! wishing them a very much bad luck in the present and in the future.

Altogether there will be 601 various representatives. 240 of them is chosen from direct election and 335 is chosen from proportional election. 26 are selected among the national icons and famous persons of Nepal. The result of the election is said to be declared within 21 days after the day of election. The newly formed government is going to hold for 2 years and could be extended for 6 months in case of emergency. The majority representation meeting is held by the 1/4 th of total number of representatives. People 18 years or above are eligible for voting and 17.5 million people are eligible according to the Election Commission of Nepal.

Everybody know that one of the three major parties among Nepali Congress, CPN (UML) and The Maoists will form the future government. But which party will be able to make it? In my personal opinion there is big chance of Maoists because all the people have already given votes to the other ones and seen what they could do. There is only one new and fresh party though having a bad history and that is Maoists. In that sense there is a lot of chance for them.

Our relative Mr. Bhawani Lohorung has also taken part from Shankhuwashabha direct election. I wish him the very best wishes and goodluck.


Long Live Democracy!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah.. finally the constituent assembly took place in spite of many obstacles. We cannot however ignore the facts that many enthusiast voters were deprived of voting like me for an instant. Still no hard feelings after all the election took place.

April 10, 2008 11:16 PM  
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July 24, 2018 3:26 PM  

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