Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Harry Potter Mania

Though some might think that Harry Potter Craze is just time or money wasting I don't think so. As I am one of its fan I have also bought the latest released book "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" written by J.K. Rowling. Soon I started reading it and now I have finished till 6 chapters now. I wanted to finish it as soon as possible. It priced Rs. 1540 at the Educational Book Store at Kantipath, Kathmandu. My little sister has gone to buy it. She said she even got a small piece of cake while buying it. There were also about 12 copies of various small comics as complementary.

Published and distributed by Bloomsbury this edition of Harry Potter broke all the previous records of top selling books. None of the previous editions were sold in that much numbers. J.K. Rowling became the second richest woman in entertainment business due to only selling the Harry Potter series. She has said that the concept of the whole story came while she was traveling from Manchester to London by train. At one time it is said she didn't have enough money to pay for the rent of her flat too. She was a poor woman then. Harry Potter has completely transformed her into something very much extraordinary. She is now more richer then Queen Elizabeth of United Kingdom.

According to the Yahoo News this Harry Potter was sold 8.3 million copies within 24 hours of its release alone in United States. It means that it is 16 Arab 60 Crore in Nepal.

What I didn't like about the News media that the whole surprise of Harry Potter was revealed by all news media that Harry Potter will not die. I felt it is very rude to the passion readers who wanted to know by reading themselves. I have too bought a DVD of Harry Potter which cost Rs. 50 from "Phutpath" but it was a very bad print. There it was written that it has all four movies but there were only two working well though without smooth. सस्तो बेसारले पखाला चलौछ ।

Yahoo News


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am still wondering why this sarfire bought 'harry potter or porter'(a FICTION book) for Rs.1500!!!.

August 06, 2007 6:23 PM  

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