Thursday, July 19, 2007

RSS Feed Link of Curves n' Colors created

Just yesterday the senior programmer Laxman Bhattarai of our office Curves n' Colors created the RSS Feed. From now anyone can check the new news updates from any RSS readers without actually going to the CNC URL. Here is the link CNC's RSS Feed Link.

Curven n' Colors RSS LinkFor laymen RSS is the short form of Really Simple Syndication. It is just like a paperboy who delivers the daily updated news to your door without going to the newspapers shop. I have been using FeedReader 3.09 and I assure you that it really works well.

Some of the benefits of using RSS Feed are that I have known:

1. The main benefits I found that we can view the updates news off line too.
2. It is fast too coz it doesn't download the formatting of the web page.
3. It is the real content driven thing that means you can directly read the actual contents of the web site.

RSS uses standardized XML format which can be used by everybody to make their customized RSS file. That file can be programmed using any server side scripting languages to display the updates contents. Since the top free blogging host sites have made RSS by default nobody has to pull their hair about creating and managing it. So I think this technology is one of the best of its own kind and there is not a single reason why you shouldn't use it.

Happy Feeding!!



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