Wednesday, November 15, 2006

My First Blood Donation Experience

I work in a website developing company. I made many new friends within
short period of time at this office. One of my friend of the office
told all of us that who is interested in donating blood. Because he
had a neighbour who has his father in hospital with a hole inside his
heart. He said us if we wanted to donate blood to his friend's father.
The patient wanted A +ve blood. As I was thinking of how I can do
something good for others I thought this is the chance and I too have
A +ve blood. Actually we do so much things to ourselves like buy
clothes for our self, study for our self, make money for our self,
fight for our self and so on. We do so much things for our self and
there left no time and money to help others. So I thought this is the
best chance I have got and I didn't want to miss it.

We all five went to the Gangalal Heart Centre where the patient son
has all managed for the donation. After all things were arranged first
we two Saroj and me sat for the donation. I can't explain how did I
feel that time. It was mixture of nervous, confidence , humour,
kindness and pain. Before entering to the blood donation room I
remember the environment sounds too wired as if I am dumb and can't
hear anything. All the people were as if they couldn't't talk. I was
pretty confident that I won't be nervous. But it happened

It was time to do the task. A doctor came and asked our names to fill
in the register. I felt that moment was moving too slowly as if time
has been stopped. Mine was the first and the I was hesitated. He asked
where that was the first time. I did say it was first time. Then he
pierced my left arm with syringe and blood slowly started to flow into
the blood bag. I could see the pure red like liquid slowly moving
inside the plastic bag.

After some minutes my friend's bag was full but mine was not. In the
place of him another friend came and he too went before me. I was
nervous because my blood was flowing very slowly. I had heard that
some people have like that.

But anyway, at last mine was too became full and I felt relaxed. But
the place where pierced was still paining. That experience was wired
and adventurous. And I do hope that his father became well and


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