Sunday, October 29, 2006

Let your spirit ALIVE !

If you have craze interest in something good like become a doctor, engineer, holding degree and PhD, be a social worker or whatever then you the "Spirit". If you want to become something or do something great then you must make your spirit alive whatever the situation come until you die. Because it is said that until we die we have hope. I said that whatever the situation come. That means that though the situation might not good or well formed to make your spirit alive then also you should never give up your hope and continue doing what you love.

So say with me "My Spirit is ALIVE !". I don't want to be a philosopher or something like that but I think it will work if you paste this text where ever you see most. Be it on wall or your private room or be it in your computer screen saver. You can also put it on your text books or notes. I hope it will do work. It is just the constant reminding of what you are going to be in the future and focus on your vision.

Now, just try this very simple and very powerful technique to let your vision be clear. If it does make any difference then just mail me to know the strength of it.

So "Let your Spirit ALIVE !" I repeat. Just never mention I can't do that or I couldn't do this.

Happy going on with your life.


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