Wednesday, August 13, 2008

World Indigenous Day 2008 celebrated

Gone 9th August was the most remarkable day for the indigenous people (IPs) all over the world. Here in Nepal many different IPs related organizations including our Lohorung Yakhkhama Yuyong (Lohorung Women Organization) also took part in that event. LYY has exhibited food stall and Dhaka cloths at Dasarath Stadium during the event period of three days. That day was the last day of a week long event where many different types of games such as Badminton, Traditional Archery etc were held.
The final day started from a rally at Khulamanch, Ratnapark where many indigenous peoples gathered before setting off. NGO-Federation of Nepalese Indigegnous Nationalities (NGO-FONIN) had been organizing "Singnature Campaign". Finally about two kilometers long cloth signatured by different people of the Kathmandu valley were asked to carry by the people taking part in that rally. It was really a unique and fun experience for me to help them to ask different people at the roadside for asking to do signature and distributing pamplates.

The rally enden at Dasarath Stadium where many political leaders gave speech about indigenous peoples including the speaker of the current house of representative Mr. Subash Nembang. 

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Monday, August 04, 2008

August 9: World Indigenous Day 2008

Coming August 9 is the 16th World Indigenous Day for 2008. Many different organizations are celebrating it with many programs. NGO-FONIN is organizing "Signature Campaign" in different parts of the valley to raise the voices and issues of indigenous peoples of Nepal.

Dear all,

As IPs are celebrating the August 9 as world indigenous peoples day, we are also organizing some of the activities on the occasion. Specifically, we have focused the activities connecting with CA. As the CA is an opportunity for us to raise voice to have a constitution written addressing IPs and other marginalized peoples issues, the activities will be as: signature campaign, submitting appeal to respective CA representative and authorities, so that it could support on creating pressure as well as making aware the respective authorities.

The signature collection campaign has been already stated from 3rd August, which will be carried out till the 9 August and the appeal will be submitted to each CA members (during CA Meeting) organizing a press conference. The date for submitting of the appeal will be decided later (the date will be decided consulting the respective authority) At the mean time we will also be involved in the activities, organized by other IPs and likeminded organizations. We need to make collective effort towards influencing the concerns.

We would also like to request all members, district networks to involve or organize same kinds of activities. For your kind information and references the copy appeal, pamphlets and letter are attached herewith, please find them.

Lalkumari Roca
Rights and Advocacy Officer

More pictures and information you can find at Lohorung Khanawa and NEFIN Website. So I request all for the support of not only the indigenous people but also to the underprivileged groups. Come to Dasarath Stadium at August 9 and celebrate it.

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